The story focuses on Yui, a girl who lives in the town of Paparajuku, and who dreams of being an idol, even if she realizes that being an idol is next to impossible for her. Her friends often remark...
The Sanzo Ikkou continues its westward journey, on a mission to prevent a demonic resurrection. As Genjo Sanzo, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojyo, and Son Goku fight their way to their goal, their path is fraught...
A group of 15 elite high school students are gathered at a very special, high class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very...
Sanshiro's chances of having an adventure are slim to none in his tiny island hometown, until the day a mysterious stranger invites him to play a game... Without warning, Sanshiro is taken to a...
Continuing from the first series, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai begins to shed some light on the dark mysteries prevalent in the preceding season. The young group of friends in the town of Hinamizawa...
Kyon, your typical high school student, has long given up his belief in the supernatural. However, upon meeting Haruhi Suzumiya, he quickly finds out that it is the supernatural that she is interested...
Shun Asanaga is a 15-year-old junior high school student with an optimistic and bright personality. One day, he finds a mysterious crystal in the office of his father, who is a scientist and...
Tour de France, it is the biggest bicycle race in the world. Now, a new achievement is about to be recorded in the history of Tour de France. The top racer is a Japanese boy named Shinozaki Mikoto...
After a long and treacherous journey, our Hero finally arrives at the Dark Lady's castle only to find himself being asked for help. The Hero explains how the war that the demons have brought upon the...
Next season of Major.
After the final game of his Seishuu team against the goal he set himself, Kaidou - the team he left to play against, Gorou has no feelings of remorse anymore. Again he...
Kyo, an avid swimmer tries his best to keep the high school swimming club going, which is pretty hard when he's the only member. Facing the prospect of the club being closed by the student council, he...
Valkyria Chronicles is set in a fictitious continent reminiscent of 1930s Europe. The continent, called Europa, is divided into two main powers: The Imperial Empire, a monarchy in the east, and the...
The world where the Hero and the Demon King continue to oppose each other. The grand magic from the Hero and the Demon King cross over worlds and exploded in the classroom of a certain high school...
In 1889, the world is on the pinnicle of great discoveries in technology. In mankinds grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle, obsessed with restoring the former Atlantean empire...
The story of Skip-Beat! is about Kyoko Mogami, a wistful yet cheery seventeen year-old girl who loves her childhood friend, Shotaro, but is cruelly betrayed and thus seeks revenge against him. She...
In the blink of the mind's eye, Ryouta Sakamoto suddenly finds himself transported from playing the hit Btoom! video game to being stranded on a mysterious island, equipped with a day's worth of...
The year is 1924, the place, Sauville, a small European country neatly tucked beside the Alps...
Kazuya Kujo has been studying abroad at the prestigious Saint Marguerite Academy, where urban legends...
In a Tokyo suburb small town, there lives a girl named Nekota Kaoru. Being born into a normal family, being raised in a normal way, this spring she'll become a normal happy middle-schooler.
NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this...
One day, the black pillar appeared suddenly in the Sea of Japan. That is a gate which led to the another world, and monsters have invaded into our world from there. Dr.Hayakawa who was famous for the...
This series picks up a few years after season one. Goro is now older, and has come back to his original home town. As if nothing changed, he starts off right where he left with his old friends and...
Since childhood, Tadahiro Amatsu has two different-colored eyes - one brown and one light hazel. But because of a dark secret behind his left eye, he's become a target for the masked sorcerer Ayatara...
The anime takes place on the screw-shaped island country of Nejigajima and follows the two "Bokyabots" Hebot and the Yurui Prince Nejiru as they collect different "Bokya Neji" screws. When the...